Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I am. The world makes of us all that which we should be in the end.
How would Allen Ginsberg see today in comparison to his life time. Free love and drugs at Berkeley. The world that was in some ways consequence free. The life of poet that embraced every aspect of his comings and goings. Friends that got you in as much trouble as you inflicted on them. Life was very Walden simple and yet in chaos at the same time. A man's goal was his and his alone. The world did not have nearly as much fear and loathe for the basics of enjoyment and personal freedom. The existence of real hate was there but the lime light of wars past still loomed in the air like a smoke that would not clear. The true evils were far from sight and sound. The spirit of war was honor and courage. The coming of the blood and guts reporting with the tactical accuracy of CNN's battle front was the end of innocence for the torch carriers of this age.
Thee the why bother generation has given up, given in, closed our eyes to the real view of this plane of existence. Or for those that showed any inkling of independent thought is squelched with narrowness and constant commercialisms of our modern machines of communication. Head on Head on Head on. The chant of the brain dead and dying. Heard throughout our masses the death rattle of the living. Doing and going about the motions of being. The swirl of life surrounds but nothing impresses for moment the value of any of it. For centuries the greatest minds pondered the meaning of so much of our lives and yet we sink into our filth. The filth that we make is rehashed refuse. None of our minds look up to the goals. All of the great themes have been used up and made into theme parks – Pump up the volume. And I agree that we are disillusioned, lost, afloat in our own mess of lives torn from any reason.
I still believe as come back to this to post here and I have days of days that mean more to me. I work hard these days to get my existence back to a focus. Against the wall and exposed to my peers I know they see me for what I am. I live for real and I miss My boy. These things weigh heavy on this man's heart. In the same moment I am driven to be the rock. Driven as bovine beasts stampeding from bees but I cannot change the thing that I am. The world makes of us all that which we should be in the end.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Finding the internal Walden Pond
Mine was the temple of family and personal escape. But as did my new england guru I found myself in the wreckage of my life. I was motionless lying in the smoldering pieces. Delusional and misguided wanderlust of soulsore. The soil of this existance is eroded exposing bedrock of foundation.
Foundation - home memories past lives that are dead and gone. But the Tejano rooster still crows in the oranges. And the thump of unbalanced coolers spin without time or use for it.
Love lives between the lichen and the stone. Moss dies and blows away.
Friday, October 05, 2007
8:10 AM Blues and Techno

Goodmorning Kids,
The non events of the assed twenty four have changed very little. Life goes on unyeilding in it's onslaught. The Arbeit of Mein Kampf is good it salves a sore soul. The bread of life is in larger bottles and had it not been as thick it would only urine make. But the twist-off life style is pervasive and the majority by the ways ode read little of their shiny labels. Rice is a grass that mows clean and lives in muck. Its stink enters the glass lucidly. Without , pause to reflect in a detritus filled gourd , without minding the rice tink as it falls. I strive for hops a gaget only rice.
Today I pray for Family and Friends...
I love My Dad
I miss my Son
I hug My Mom
I talk to my Sibs
I work for tomorrow
Peace Love and Something blue and shiny
I can't really follow that better so next time
See my dabble and rubbish in the shrubbery
Bye bye
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Blah Blah Blah at this moment.
Hey guys,
I am out of sync. As in Snafu or Fubar due to my sleep schedule being out of phase. I was supposed to sleep today but didn't so I am exhausted now. But I'll push forth till morning and get sleep on schedule tomorrow. Then all will be good for work tomorrow night too.
I'll make it till 3 or 4 then I'll close my mind for a while.
Good night world sleep well.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sweet Summer Rain
Oh I chatted with a really nice lady online last night. But she was tired. hopefully get to see her again.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Dog Tired.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Jazz and Giant Water Bugs.
swish swish the jazz pierces the night and we all swarm to the diesel hum that powers our tripodal moon in four phases.
Goodnight world
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Lost worlds that Fit in a shoe box
Yes that is for you my huge following of readers. I don't believe that any one has ever read this garbage. And they are better off for not doing it. Writing it has enough of a detriment to the fabric of the universe. We teter on the brink and yet some comic revenge prevents us from plumment. The abyss waits patiently for the final stupid act the shoves us all in the shitter.
Ha take that Stephen Hawkins; who needs dark matter delivered from the Mc'y D's Mic to tell us the impeding fate. Yes just for you Nic Grandon a rant to reach to the bottom of our port-a-potty souls a pluck a juicy chunk of cosmic shit out to examine (rare form tonight kids). Blue fluid of the ether runs down my arm as I run to the event horizon hoping for implosion. An utilitarian attempt to save our souls from the turd saturated ether that gathers in our collective relief zone. The construction zone of expanding matter in this plane will again collapse and force us to live it all over again in a rythmic pulse the sounds like a toilet flushing over and over.
Done with the potty humor and astrophysics at the same time. But it always makes me smile.
So great things afoot in the business world for me. The night shift is causing me to get artsy ;not that I mind and you get to laugh at it. I'm doing more photo work and reading alot.
William Gibson writes to show us the lives that are and could be. I love the new book so far. Feels like getting back to the neuromancer and burning chrome. Can't wait to get done with it.
I called Haley ,but I feel that in doing the best thing for us at the time has cost us any further chance. I don't know. Maybe the best any ways she needed her shot at getting it together. Even if she could not see it at the time. Me too. Could have easily made really bad decisions during this time period.
Good luck to you Honey and I hope that your dreams come true. I'll work on mine too.
In the back of my head a thunderstorm brews again and I run for shelter. All of the problems of limbo living and waiting patiently to get all of my stuff together. Moving on hold.
wELL nUFF SAID fUR nAWO! Caio....
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Long Hot days

The new plan is coming together. We are working like crazy to get it done. The feeling is still over whelming when looking at the amount left to get done. But the new guys will be coming on soon. My family is doing well. Still worried about my Dad ,but he hates to hear about it. Mother is depressed and still adjusting to my leaving. She did not want me there either so how do I reconcile that. I am happy and cannot wait to get my stuff here in AZ and settle in to living as I should be. Maybe then I can get my shit together enough to sort out other things in my head. Single and enjoying it for now. I miss my son very much but what can I do. She will be gone with him next week.
I am loving my new laptop. Being free to move around again is really nice.
Bye for now.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Finally packed and out of the apartment.
See you around world.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Packing and moving onward and upward
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Today * good to have my boy back
We'll talk later
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
How do ever know unless we try.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
use your head - message of the month
the present is the moment of clarity before you collide with the future. the past is the aftermath. the all else is cleaning up the crash.
I know I write in odd prose. I am living my life and trying to be in my son's life as much as I can. Or will be allowed.
How can one find happiness in this world without bringing misery from some where else into it. I don't know where or what to look for. Or how to even know if I've found it.
Look I'll level with you I thought for a moment that I had found a connection with somebody but I as usual ran foolishly ahead without considering the impact. So here I am thinking.
Where do I go from here. Do I run or stay the course.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
happiness of the heart - at last
Monday, May 21, 2007
I'd rather be riding and pushing that pedal. I have not been through in a while but none the less time slips. The days have been good and the work a pain but rewarding. I have seen the seasons flow heat and dust to cold and empty. The brain travels to the places it once was and plays the clips in my theater gord. The dull sheen filters the stream like a haze through which the river of ideas pour. I reach out to catch a glimmer of some vaguery and the smoke ebbs from my touch. Only the heavens guide my mental flight to the opal drabe reward on rachis to the darkened sky. The trail ridden pathless through cool dry air pounds the earth with my heart. But in my ear nothing but rushing roar of life.
Rubbish Most certain
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Too Long between posts, Yep just plain lazy.
Will soon have more meaningless junk posted for you peops soon.