Hey guys,
Yes that is for you my huge following of readers. I don't believe that any one has ever read this garbage. And they are better off for not doing it. Writing it has enough of a detriment to the fabric of the universe. We teter on the brink and yet some comic revenge prevents us from plumment. The abyss waits patiently for the final stupid act the shoves us all in the shitter.
Ha take that Stephen Hawkins; who needs dark matter delivered from the Mc'y D's Mic to tell us the impeding fate. Yes just for you Nic Grandon a rant to reach to the bottom of our port-a-potty souls a pluck a juicy chunk of cosmic shit out to examine (rare form tonight kids). Blue fluid of the ether runs down my arm as I run to the event horizon hoping for implosion. An utilitarian attempt to save our souls from the turd saturated ether that gathers in our collective relief zone. The construction zone of expanding matter in this plane will again collapse and force us to live it all over again in a rythmic pulse the sounds like a toilet flushing over and over.
Done with the potty humor and astrophysics at the same time. But it always makes me smile.
So great things afoot in the business world for me. The night shift is causing me to get artsy ;not that I mind and you get to laugh at it. I'm doing more photo work and reading alot.
William Gibson writes to show us the lives that are and could be. I love the new book so far. Feels like getting back to the neuromancer and burning chrome. Can't wait to get done with it.
I called Haley ,but I feel that in doing the best thing for us at the time has cost us any further chance. I don't know. Maybe the best any ways she needed her shot at getting it together. Even if she could not see it at the time. Me too. Could have easily made really bad decisions during this time period.
Good luck to you Honey and I hope that your dreams come true. I'll work on mine too.
In the back of my head a thunderstorm brews again and I run for shelter. All of the problems of limbo living and waiting patiently to get all of my stuff together. Moving on hold.
wELL nUFF SAID fUR nAWO! Caio....