A Poem for Barb
A seed dropped the earth a favor and it brought forth such riches and sorrow. Dirt accepted the favor and folded into itself the
kern. But soon forgotten the seed lay sleeping. It woke again during tumult of storm and in the aftermath gripped the earth with its will.
The seed knowing nothing else pushed forth towards the sky. It feeds upon the
firmament and young flexible sees the passing ages. Pushing skyward as the seasons pass seemingly endless in the will to possess the dirt further.
Flexibility gives way to wisdom and the bark thickens against the earth. Time beats bark with a
rhythm that we all live to. The
rhythm of life wears weary all that dance.
The seed become tree danced flexible and light. The sun in the heavens smiled with delight. All things on earth swayed to the music of time, bark, and wisdom. It danced with limber lightness and revelled in time.
Bring bough to earth as all taxes paid. And the wisdom of time takes its due. Love of sky and light bears upon us heavy burdens. And the dance slows to a sweet orchestra of creeks and groans.
On lightest limb lands a gesture of beauty. That brings to bear the favor once asked and answered so many a time. And between a blossom to a seed fell. And the earth holds the child in the shadow of so many a sprite dance. A log slumbers with a devouring fungus.
LGG 08