Friday, September 01, 2006

Trading Nights for Days By Monday

6 weeks on nights and I am going back on Day Shift. I have enjoyed the aspect of night shift that it is usually quiet and nobody hassling you for silly busy work. Just keep your ducks in a row and life is good. But Back to Days and the endless scrutiny of the man and the Tit for tat that means keeping the ones not really doing anything happy. They do their thing but the word of the year is micro-manage. Is that two words? Oh I don't really care ; you get it.
On other fronts, My granny is doing much better. Thanks for all of the Prayers. Much love to those that did and Prayers to those that didn't. Will be glad to get to see her soon.

Be good world if you can manage it. And follow your heart or at least till it tries to get your job lost.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Late Summer Evenings

The cool air feels good.
No deep thoughts tonight, only cool air.


Family needs prayer

Hello Readers,

I come today with a request to pray for my grandmother. She is going under the knife today for a quad bypass surgery. I love my Granny and I wish that I could be there. But I don't have enough time to get there for the surgery today. So please say a prayer to your god for my granny and our families.

Love From LGG

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Today is better

I spoke to my little boy yesterday. And when it has been several days since I last talked to him I get really grumpy. He brightens my world. The only thing better is when I get to have him here. His grand parents are also looking forward to seeing him.
Some day he will understand better his daddy and mother. Today I am better and I am through with misdirected anger.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Found Alive at the Movies

I feel more alive at the movies than with my own life. I have always been lost. I have never been in touch with who I am. I have struggled through all of my life to figure out what I'm about. When I watch movies or read a book I live vicariously through that medium. I am not crazy and get so wrapped up in these fictions that I lose touch with reality.
I just feel better when I have release from my screwed up life.