Thursday, June 28, 2007

Packing and moving onward and upward

The procress of taking all of your world crud and cramming it into little boxes and toting it all to another place. The stress of growing new roots and trying to not make the same mistakes again. I like the challenge but hate the logistics. Dredging up all those buried emotions about past events. Trying to keep all this too in the appropriate boxes. The boxes are getting organized.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today * good to have my boy back

My heart is smiling and the rain may come but I remain happy. Standing wet in the down pour facing to the storm yet calm in my little world.

We'll talk later


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How do ever know unless we try.

I have met and known many people from around the world. I call many friends. But what of love from the lost and bewildered like me. I thought at one point in my life that I knew something. It was fleeting and enigmatic ,but I knew it was there. Then my beliefs and trust was lost in a moment. I have never found them. May not ever feel like that again. But who cares each to there own. And if you have it throw it away like every one else does... maybe love is dead to the world. only memory remains.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

use your head - message of the month

life changes fast

the present is the moment of clarity before you collide with the future. the past is the aftermath. the all else is cleaning up the crash.

I know I write in odd prose. I am living my life and trying to be in my son's life as much as I can. Or will be allowed.

How can one find happiness in this world without bringing misery from some where else into it. I don't know where or what to look for. Or how to even know if I've found it.

Look I'll level with you I thought for a moment that I had found a connection with somebody but I as usual ran foolishly ahead without considering the impact. So here I am thinking.

Where do I go from here. Do I run or stay the course.