Thursday, August 24, 2006

Late Summer Evenings

The cool air feels good.
No deep thoughts tonight, only cool air.


Family needs prayer

Hello Readers,

I come today with a request to pray for my grandmother. She is going under the knife today for a quad bypass surgery. I love my Granny and I wish that I could be there. But I don't have enough time to get there for the surgery today. So please say a prayer to your god for my granny and our families.

Love From LGG

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Today is better

I spoke to my little boy yesterday. And when it has been several days since I last talked to him I get really grumpy. He brightens my world. The only thing better is when I get to have him here. His grand parents are also looking forward to seeing him.
Some day he will understand better his daddy and mother. Today I am better and I am through with misdirected anger.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Found Alive at the Movies

I feel more alive at the movies than with my own life. I have always been lost. I have never been in touch with who I am. I have struggled through all of my life to figure out what I'm about. When I watch movies or read a book I live vicariously through that medium. I am not crazy and get so wrapped up in these fictions that I lose touch with reality.
I just feel better when I have release from my screwed up life.